Quick and Easy Biscuits from Scratch

If you want biscuits that are not only quick to make on a busy morning, but they actually taste delicious, than this recipe is for you!

This biscuit works great for breakfast or as a savory compliment to a soup.

It is my go to recipe that I make up for every occasion, because who doesn't love a good southern biscuit?


4 Cups of All Purpose Flour

2 Cups of Milk

1/4 Cup Baking Powder

1/4 Cup Sugar

2 teaspoons of Salt

1/2 Cup of butter cold & diced

How to Make:

Mix flour, baking powder, sugar, and salt together in a bowl. Cut butter into the flour (work the butter into the flour so that it breaks up into small pebble size pieces).

Add milk to bowl. Mix to combine.

If dough is sticky, add 1/4 cup more of flour.

Fold dough over onto itself at least 10 times to form layers.

Pinch of a handful and roll into a ball.

Place on greased cookie sheet with biscuits touching.

Bake at 400 for 15-20 mintues, or until golden brown.

Make sure you watch our YouTube video for tips and tricks on how to make these biscuits!


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